Welcome March!

Welcome March! Longer days mean more sunshine and warmer weather to come. I invite you to take a moment in between snowstorms to go outside and feel the warmth of the sun and breathe in the sweetness of the air as the seasons shift. I hope this moment of mindfulness brings as much joy and balance to you as it has for me.

There are always a few late Winter activities to hold our attention while Spring is on the way. Pruning is one such activity that offers up the opportunity to shape and guide the growing of established plantings while still in dormancy. It is also a time to clean and sharpen our pruners for the season.

For seed starters, you will find a list of seed suppliers offering high quality seeds, many offer open-pollinated, heirloom, and/or organic seed.  Included is a great article entitled Seed Buying 101: A Seed Gardener's Glossary from the Home Garden Seed Association. Are you a seed saver? Consider swapping or sharing seeds. https://www.homegardenseedassociation.com/ and specifically Seed Buying 101 and Seed buying 201

Other recommended seed resources:







Supplies and herbs:

Gilberties https://www.gilbertiesorganics.com/


Anyone tapping trees to make maple syrup?  Maple syrup production is in full swing! Maple Weekend in CT is March 20th & 21st, 2021. Learn more under resource links.

New meet up! Join us at The Garden Bench for an hour of conversation and connection on March 16 at noon via Zoom. This hour provides an opportunity for members to come together and share what gardening ideas or questions we may have with each other. Link to join will be sent out shortly.

Quick update on community engagement and connection: on March 11 Easton’s First Selectman is hosting a Zoom presentation for newcomers, and our Club and a link to our website will be featured. 

Special thank you to our board of directors and Club members who are making a difference in how we continue to thrive through this Covid-19 pandemic. We remain committed to keeping our membership safe and engaged through virtual meetings and gatherings.  Looking forward to the possibility of small, appropriately social distanced, in-person pop-up events and scheduled outings in the near future. Stay tuned!  — Jean


Composting Workshop


Clean & Sharpen your Pruners and get ready for Late winter pruning!