Welcome to the Easton Pollinator Pathway… we are glad you are here and our pollinators are too!
You have pledged to support and protect local pollinators by adding native plants and refraining from use of pesticides and herbicides. Features include:
1. A sequence of blooms from spring to fall, especially native host plants and pollinator favorites.
2. A water feature (a bird bath, fountain, or natural source
3. Shelter ( such as leaf mulch, leave some host plant seed heads, and uncut woody plant stems for fall/winter)
4. Avoid pesticides and herbicides on lawn and garden
5. Use organic practices such as compost (no synthetic fertilizers or treated mulch)
Please visit the resources page for suggested reading and more information to get you started. We’ll be in touch with news and events.
If you wish to order a yard medallion visit https://www.pollinator-pathway.org/sign