Join us for our Annual Meeting and Picnic at the Hubbell Garden located at the Historic Bradley-Hubbell House property.
This outdoor event will be a safe and welcoming opportunity to meet in-person. We have aligned with the current CDC recommendations which state that vaccinated persons are not required to wear a mask outdoors with proper social distancing in place. We want our members to feel comfortable and if wearing a mask gives you a sense of comfort, by all means continue to do so. Additionally, we are keeping it simple and safe by asking you to bring a bagged lunch, drink, and your folding chair. We’ll be celebrating our Club, recognizing member contributions, welcoming our new members and voting in our officers for 2021-2022 season. It will be great to be in-person once again!
Please bring a Chair, Lunch and Drink, Hat
Please bring a flower from your garden for a bouquet
Parking – please park north of the house on Rte #58 on the lawn similar tp how we parked for our September picnic. Please try to line cars up for maximum space. Carpooling is not a bad idea if you are vaccinated.
Rain Date: Thursday June 10th. The weather looks good right now with rain expected after our picnic. We will post to this page any updates.
Watch your email for an evite from Susan.
The Hubbell Garden is a lovely historic which is faithfully maintained by our Easton Garden Club. The garden has a wide variety of perennials and is a rich source for gardening tips and information for those who volunteer here.