Bluebird Conservation Project
Join us in helping our Bluebird population thrive. Consider installing a Bluebird Nesting Box in your landscape. Early March is a great time to get started!
Bluebird Conservation is a long-held conservation project of the Easton Garden Club. Each year at this time we invite members and the public to participate in the Bluebird Conservation Project by installing a nesting box in your landscape to encourage our Bluebird population to Thrive. We invite you to visit our Bluebird Conservation page on our EGC website to learn about Bluebirds, how to create a habitat to support them, including positioning of nesting boxes, what to include for forage in your landscape, and information about providing shelter, including fact sheets and nesting box designs. Here are some excerpts:
How to get started!
Awareness - learn about the Bluebirds
Create Habitat: Planting to support Bluebirds - learn about what to plant for forage. Winter is a great time to get started on adding natives to the landscape to support pollinators and our native food web. Consider nesting box positioning - consider ideal locations in your landscape.
Install nesting boxes for protection and learn how to care for them - scroll down for predator id
Keep a Nesting Box Journal! A journal provides information on when eggs are expected to hatch, when young are likely to make their first flights, and why a problem may have developed with the nestlings. Keep records in a way that makes sense to you and is easy to complete. DEEP suggestions:
Date: time and weather conditions
Nest: type, materials used, date started, date completed, height of nest
Eggs: number, date first egg laid, date last egg laid
Young: number, hatch date, age (hatch date = day 1), condition
Parasites: type, any control measures taken
Fledglings: number, date
Comments: any observations of interest, such as competitors, predation problems, banding information, behavioral notes
Connect with other conservation enthusiasts or Join the Easton Garden Club
Also consider visiting our local CT Audubon location on Burr Road in Fairfield for supplies and to purchase a ready-made Bluebird House.
Link to EGC Bluebird conservation page (or copy and type into your browser: