Mobile Sensory Garden Installation at the Easton Library
The Sensory Garden is conservation project of the Easton Garden Club in partnership with the Easton Public Library. This mobile sensory garden is planted in two wheeled carts designed to be accessible to all. They are located on the back patio of the Easton Library.
The diverse group of plantings selected and planted by our Club’s conservation committee appeal to four of the five senses (touch, smell, sight, and sound). We invite you to pause when visiting the garden to notice plant textures, structure, fragrance as part of experiencing present moment awareness (paying attention to what's happening right now, instead of thinking about what happened yesterday or what you need to do tomorrow, it is an invitation to focus on what you're experiencing now) with curiosity about which sense you are using (touch, smell, sight, and sound - no tasting please) as a way to anchor your experience. Visit often as we’ll be adding video and detailed descriptions of the plants and their role in the sensory garden!
The Sensory Garden project will delight the senses through all four seasons. Each season we will offer guided discussions on the patio, introducing new sensory garden features and plants. Contact us if you are interested in attending a walkthrough of the plants and their role in the sensory garden.
The Carts were built to EGC specs by Eagle Scout Candidate Toni. Toni Erian, a talented artist and designer and member of BSA Troop 306 of Redding, approached the Easton Garden Club looking for a project to earn Eagle Scout status. We were thrilled and offered Toni the opportunity to build the carts we needed for our Sensory Garden Project. We needed two outdoor wheeled carts - one accessible at walking height and one at wheelchair height - that held enough soil to sustain a robust group of plantings. Easton Library, in part, financed Toni’s project to build the cart structures dedicating them to a library donor who was a landscape designer. Thank you to Lynn Zaffino, Library Director, for the partnership on this project.
Our Easton Garden Club conservation committee designed the garden concept, planted, and donated the plant material and soil filling the carts, and plant id tags. Plants were sourced at Gilbertie’s Organics, Oliver’s Nurseries, Eco59/Hickories, and cultivated and dug from member gardens.
This is a perpetual project of the Easton Garden Club conservation committee and we’ll maintain and add new features each season to delight the senses. Stay tuned for scheduled talks! Contact us to learn more.
Please visit for upcoming events open to the public.
Easton Garden Club Civic and Conservation Committee at work - Jean Stetz-Puchalski (Chair), Veronica Swain, Ines Carreno, Sara Riley, Jessica Mavaro, Nanette DeWester, Carla Fairfield, Carol Hamilton, and Mellissa Wade