Connecticut Native Plant Availability List - Newly Released
Many of us looking for native species of plants to increase the biodiversity of our landscape now have a new Connecticut resource: The UConn Extension & Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Wildlife Division newly revised Connecticut Native Perennial, Tree, & Shrub Availability & Resource List. Publishers of this native tree and shrub availability list stated that it is designed to assist homeowners, landscapers, and conservation organizations in locating native planting stock for wildlife habitat enhancement.
The resource was compiled from a survey of Connecticut’s registered nurseries. Of the respondents, many indicated that they have native trees, shrubs, or perennials in stock or would obtain them by special order. Although some of the listed nurseries are strictly wholesale businesses, trees and shrubs can often be ordered from them through your local retail nursery or garden center or a local Native Plant Sale like the upcoming Aspetuck Land Trust Native Plant Sale opening on April 12th (April 5th for members).
As we know, finding native plants, straight species, has been a process and one way we can make this process easier is by asking our local retailers to stock these plants. UConn Extension & Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Wildlife suggest that you present this publication (PDF version here.pdf) to your local retailer and ask them to order plants for you if they do not already have them in stock. Be sure and ask how the plants were grown - no pesticides please.
Click here to learn more about the authors, the plant lists, availability map and other resources. Note also the link to this resource and other information is found on the Easton Garden Club’s online Resource Library:
Check back for more native plant resources including the much anticipated release of the Wild Seed Project book on Planting for Climate Resistance in Northeast Landscapes to help us ID, plan and shop for native plants.
By Jean Stetz-Puchalski